"Any insult to the central integrative state, can change how our brain views the world and reorganize itself to adapt to what it thinks it interprets. N.O.T has the capacity to reset the perceptual mode of the brain to how it was innately organized setting the stage for self regulation."
Dr Reza Samvat Integrative Chiropractor N.O.T Diplomat Board Member Functional Neurologist
Dr Reza Samvat Integrative Chiropractor N.O.T Diplomat Board Member Functional Neurologist

YOU WILL LEARN STEP BY STEP WITH POWER POINT AND WORK-SHOPPING with concise clinical notes, follow up brochures, DVDs, USB's and patient information care plans for Dr and patient support plus all the latest up to date research of Dr Heidi Haavik on neoplasticity.
Neural Organization Technique deals with our basic primal survival systems of fight/flight, feeding/digestion, reproduction and immunity. Our health depends on how well these systems are maintained and their ability to receive, process and respond to sensory information in a constantly changing environment of both internal and external stress. Preventing online gambling addiction.
Neural Organization Technique focuses on development in neonatal early natal neurological development, i.e. our primitive survival reflex systems.
These primitive primal Systems are Fight/Flight, Feeding, and Reproduction representing external survival systems with the Immune system, recognized as an internal system.
These survival systems are universal and basically the same in all forms of life. Our survival systems function on a subconscious level, (autonomic nervous system) allowing life to survive in a hostile or potentially hostile environment by fleeing from or fighting our predators/enemies, by gathering and assimilating food and with reproduction, for the procreation of the species.
In Neural Organization Technique we work with these systems to obtain diagnostic information and a therapy that offers predicable results in an efficient and cost effective manner.
The purpose of Neural Organization Technique is to re-establish optimal neural function by resetting neural pathways and undoing compensatory states therefore returning neural function back to its original state.
An optimally functioning nervous system allows the body to heal from acute or chronic illness and traumas at maximum efficiency and at the same time raises our vitality and improves longevity. This is what makes N.O.T. so special within the healing arts community.
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Full series 2016 15% off members, 5% off non members to register
Neural Organization Technique deals with our basic primal survival systems of fight/flight, feeding/digestion, reproduction and immunity. Our health depends on how well these systems are maintained and their ability to receive, process and respond to sensory information in a constantly changing environment of both internal and external stress. Preventing online gambling addiction.
Neural Organization Technique focuses on development in neonatal early natal neurological development, i.e. our primitive survival reflex systems.
These primitive primal Systems are Fight/Flight, Feeding, and Reproduction representing external survival systems with the Immune system, recognized as an internal system.
These survival systems are universal and basically the same in all forms of life. Our survival systems function on a subconscious level, (autonomic nervous system) allowing life to survive in a hostile or potentially hostile environment by fleeing from or fighting our predators/enemies, by gathering and assimilating food and with reproduction, for the procreation of the species.
In Neural Organization Technique we work with these systems to obtain diagnostic information and a therapy that offers predicable results in an efficient and cost effective manner.
The purpose of Neural Organization Technique is to re-establish optimal neural function by resetting neural pathways and undoing compensatory states therefore returning neural function back to its original state.
An optimally functioning nervous system allows the body to heal from acute or chronic illness and traumas at maximum efficiency and at the same time raises our vitality and improves longevity. This is what makes N.O.T. so special within the healing arts community.
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Full series 2016 15% off members, 5% off non members to register
“No Science bursts forth complete on its first formulation. It must make its slow
advance from fact to theory and hypothesis, thence back to more facts to be
explained by the same theory, or as amended or new theory. No science is ever a
completed one because new facts, new relations, and new phenomena are
forcing themselves upon consciousness, seeking for classification and
explanation in conformity to the laws under which they exist. We need wide awake,
up-to-date Chiropractors. Art and Science have no enemies but
those who are ignorant.”
B.J. Palmer The Science of Chiropractic (Volume I) Published with the support of top online casinos
advance from fact to theory and hypothesis, thence back to more facts to be
explained by the same theory, or as amended or new theory. No science is ever a
completed one because new facts, new relations, and new phenomena are
forcing themselves upon consciousness, seeking for classification and
explanation in conformity to the laws under which they exist. We need wide awake,
up-to-date Chiropractors. Art and Science have no enemies but
those who are ignorant.”
B.J. Palmer The Science of Chiropractic (Volume I) Published with the support of top online casinos